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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Don't Look Back!

I am reminded of a story from history about a woman who looked back. She was so concerned about what she had left behind that she could not resist the temptation to take a look. Even though she knew she was going to a place of FREEDOM...she still longed for what was before...she was curious about the ground she once stood on. What happened to her? She became stagnant...she was turned into a pillar of salt; Good enough for flavor but stagnant.

What is it that has captured your focus?  What is it that you have left behind that you are STILL concerned with? What is the thing that has you in a stagnant state?

Let me help you beloved...There is NO-THING that God has delivered you from that you need to return to. Even to survey it is counter-productive and paralyzing.

The woman I am speaking of is not only Lot's wife during the time that Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed but it is anyone who looks back. The place that once was...is corrupted  and God wants to free you from that environment, looking back tells Him that you're not ready.

What have you been delivered from? [pause and reflect] Do you WANT to go back to it?
IF you had stayed in it...you would have died...NOW that you are free to live...WHY take interest?

God has a plan for you and will do what is necessary in your life for you to fulfill your destiny. IF you would like to remain in destruction...then remain. But IF you have been provided a way out that take full advantage of the opportunity!

TODAY...STAY FOCUSED ON THE PATH AHEAD and DON'T LOOK BACK! There is SO MUCH ahead so don't miss what has been Left Behind!

MOVE ALONG with Head Straightened...and Eyes Focused.

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