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Friday, November 4, 2016

The Beauty of Death

I truly love the Fall Season,there are so many lessons to be learned through nature--one of those lessons is Death. 

This season is a rare instance when we see Death and can call it Beautiful. As the leaves turn their colors of reds, and yellows, and orange, the fact that they are actually dying escapes us. We can gaze upon loss and forget that it is supposed to be painful. We can study the passing of life with our eyes and find it to be soothing, calming and even a moment in time to be captured. We don't even give it a second thought that these leaves will never return again--this is the end of their season. 

What can we learn from this?

We can learn to appreciate the beauty of when things die in our lives.

I am not speaking of the physical death of people; I am alluding to the death of unhealthy relationships, the demise of situations that have hurt us, the loss of things that were not causing us to be productive with our lives. Sometimes we get so use to having people, places and things around us that even when it gets to a point where they no longer have a purpose or their presence is detrimental to our growth...we still want to hold on. The truth is that even if we hold on as tight as we can, it will still eventually crumble in our hands and cause us more harm. Have you ever taken a dry leaf and closed your hand around it? What happens? It crumbles. If you tighten your grip, you will only be applying pressure to your own hand, the leaf has nothing viable left to hold--its season is over. 
Let It Go.

Death of things that are out of season is a beautiful thing because it opens the door for the new to appear. We need to see the falling away of certain things and appreciate it. Forget that it is supposed to be painful and just value the transition. 

As fall season teaches us...when leaf goes, another one grows. 

Trust the process.

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