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Saturday, May 17, 2014

The REAL Match

Ephesians 6:12

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Many times we waste time fighting against the WRONG Thing! We spend time and energy battling "people" & "ideas"...stuff that really doesn't matter as much as we believe. What we often fail to realize is that these things are mere instruments. We ALL work for somebody whether we know it or not. We either are tools of God (Yahweh) or tools of the enemy. The Battle that began at the beginning of time is still being fought and WE are the ammunition!

Let's keep it real...we ALL have faced those who have done wrong to us and have experience WARING. But the way we handle this is the separating factor. To try to get back at someone is vanity because it is NOT really FLESH that we contend against...these are spiritual matters. We can NOT fight in the spirit with tactics of the flesh.

There are Principalities at work...these are contrary spirits established over territories (cities and such) that are designed and assigned to have demonic authoritative power over those who inhabit them. You can look into a city and see similar behaviors or inventory a land and find the same stuff happening but in different forms. Did a group of people have a meeting as decide to adopt this mannerism?...NO...It is the Principality at work! No memos necessary...

When we try to do battle in the flesh...it is like chasing after the wind. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal and we waste ourselves when we approach it as such. We MUST handle things in the spirit!

HOW you ask...via Prayer and sometimes fasting.

There are some who are terminally ill...period. They are sick with a sickness that is not of this world and their last resort is to take YOU down with them. QUESTION? Would you be mad at someone who had cancer because they were losing their hair. If you encountered a person with AIDS would you hate them because of their disease? Probably not! Well...approach spiritual terminal illness the same way. PRAY that they be healed and protect yourself!

The REAL FIGHT is not against anything familiar to your five senses...it's deeper!

The Word of God (Yahweh) teaches us to GEAR UP...Put On The FULL Armor of God (Ephesians 6:11) so that we can stand! NO need to wrestle against skin and bones...WON'T Work! We MUST put on ALL of God (Yahweh) in order to be successful in this fight.

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