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Monday, March 9, 2015

From the Plantation to the Work-Force...What has REALLY Changed?

So, I have been doing a bit of studying about slavery days and how it was all set up during that time and I must say, we have really not come as far as we think, not really.

Back then, slaves were considered as "chattel"  or property, an object if you will and only good for one thing and that was to Build the Wealth of their "Master". They woke up early, worked all day in unpleasant conditions then went to bed late, exhausted from the hard days work. As they laid their heads down, they still got little rest with the idea of having to live this Same Day over again when the sun rose. Work, work, work and for what really? Sure, they had some type of roof over their heads, a bit of food and they were "Alive" but...were they living? 

Then...one fine day, FREEDOM Came! There was a law passed saying that Slaves had to be freed and no longer under the authority of a Master. They were now Free to work where they wanted, live where they wanted and be in charge of their own destinies right? Hey Now, This is a GREAT Deal huh? But wait....

Now that "We's free" what we gonna do? What skill sets do we have other then planting? Did we get an education while on the plantation, better yet, could we get one? What are our options?

Many slaves were faced with the above thoughts and of course, the ex-Masters knew this so they responded by offering something called "sharecropping". Boy Oh Boy...what a deal! We get to do the exact same work we use to do but now, we can actually profit from it! 
Not so fast Slave...not really. See, the deal was that slaves got an advance on the land because they had no money to purchase it = Debt. Then they had to work the land extra hard because they were not only trying to live and provide for their families but they were also trying to pay off that advance. They also had to purchase their own seed, guess from where...the man down the road who was the relative of the "Master" with the jacked up prices. The equipment, that had to be bought too, under the same circumstances as the seed. At harvest, what was the profit? Not much, in fact so little that another advance had to be taken in order to work another season = Debt. And the cycle continued. 

Today...we have a similar situation going on...except the plantation has changed it's name to Corporate America.
Today we go to work, EVERYDAY; working hard, sweating, punching that clock and for what? 
Now...please don't get me wrong, we MUST feed our families and provide for them but is Building someone else's dream what we going to spend our WHOLE lives doing? We MUST somehow discover a way to BUILD OUR OWN! We need our own land, our own equipment, our own seed so that we are not Always depending on another. Look around and see who owns almost every major corporation that we know of. Who are the Millionaires/Billionaires, and why can't it be you!?  It Can.

The "Master" of today is called CEO and he handing out crumbs to the chattel while he lives lavishly. He sending you to his relatives to get your goods so that you have all you need to continue to help him build his empire. This has GOT to change folks. How? Education is one way, we must learn more then what that Master taught us, we must get the knowledge that was hidden from us. 

I challenge you (and me) today to BUILD! Change begins somewhere, why not let it begin in you. #BreakTheCycle

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