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Friday, October 17, 2014

KNOW what we Do!

I have been studying Hinduism and found some things to be interesting. There are things that "we" as a people in general have adopted from other religions that we deem acceptable although they are rooted and grounded in the Original Beliefs/Practices of religions that we would otherwise reject.

One is YOGA. The Hindus believe that their god is FAR off somewhere and that "it" (there is no gender) provides no real revelation and that Ignorance is the Greatest Downfall of man. So, in order to gain knowledge and deeper understand...Yoga is practiced as One Form to Open the Mind, Relax the Body (or get it under control) so that your channels can be open to get knowledge from the spirit world since god or Brahma is not giving up any info.

The other thing is KARMA. Some throw that word around and don't realize that it is really of a Hindu belief system. They believe that people (or they) are reincarnated MANY times and that their karma will determine that they come back as in the next lives. So what you do in this life, will dictate what happens in the next ones...up to thousands or so lives. The Goal is to escape the life cycle by achieving Absolute Enlightenment otherwise...you just stuck.

Another interesting fact to note is that there are some schools who have adopted YOGA into a part of daily routine...HUH? What is the difference in allowing Prayer in school? They are BOTH "Religious" Practices. One is just far removed from the "stigma" of religion. Be Aware folks! 

SAINTS (those under the Blood of Jesus) Be CAREFUL as to what you practice. God knows your heart and understands that we sometimes do stuff without intent to be involved in other religions but...the Fact Is...some are.

SOWING and REAPING is our "karma"...what you put in, you will get out. You plant an apple seed, you are going to get an Apple Tree eventually.
Prayer and Meditation on the things of God in combination with assembling yourself with other saints and Studying your Bible will give you ALL the Knowledge/Wisdom..."Enlightenment" that you need. God says...if you lack wisdom...then ASK! He is not a Faraway God like others...He is NEAR cuz He knows we NEED Him in that Position.
So...just be mindful of what is practiced.


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