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Thursday, November 10, 2016

Presidential Election 2016: ORDER...It's In Order and For Order!

After hearing the results of this monumental election and seeing many comments about the outcome, I cringed at what I saw. I read comments like:
"Time to get 5 jobs"
"America is going to hell"
"No more government assistance or food stamps"
"I hate life"
"This wins says that LGBT, Blacks, Muslims and other minority people don't matter"
and on and on...

After all of these words of despair, I quickly got informed about what is really happening.

This is so much more than just "Who Took Office"...what has taken place is so much bigger than what many are focusing on.

Order is the Agenda.

I hear God saying..."ORDER"...I am calling things in Order!

 Order = the arrangement or disposition of people or things in relation to each other according to a particular sequence, pattern, or method.

God, not man, is calling people and things to arrange according to His Divine Will. 

We now have our 45th Presidency...let's look at the number 45 and see what is being said to us.

45  Provision / Protection / Preservation by Yahweh
Another source says that 45 also means Preservation and 45 (40+5) means 
40 Trials; Probation; Testings 
5 Grace; God's goodness; Pentateuch (first five books)

In other words...this is a time of testing to see if we are walking according to God's Grace (Unmerited Favor) and His Goodness. The Pentateuch or the Law of God is the foundation of our Faith...
Are we walking accordingly?

We are getting back to the basics.

We, as a people, have allowed the entrance of celebrated and accepted sin into America. We have abandoned the original foundation in an attempt to build a new one. We have embraced what is not like God and we have even gone so far as to welcome it in; we have invited it with balloons, a red carpet, and a photo op. There are things that God would say are not like Him that we have determined to be "ok". There has been practices and procedures that we have decided would be good for America that God would say is not good at all.
We have also put our futures in the hands of man and turned our allegiance to the creature rather than the Creator. We trust in our government to provide for us more that we trust God. Many have simply taken a back seat in the vehicles of their lives and have allowed the "Powers that Be" to take the wheel...driving them to a place that they really don't want go be but have become too lackadaisical  to change direction. No More!

Let's get one thing really clear here...God loves all people, every last one of us! What He does not do is condone sin of ANY kind. Whether it is Idolatry, Pride, Envy, Wrath, Gluttony, Lust, Sloth or Greed, God says NO MORE! We no longer have permission to sin, it is no longer acceptable. The standard has been raised again; the bar has been lifted. We are being called to think higher--beyond this present realm and way of doing things--into seeking God and His Strategic Plan for our  Lives. We can no longer look to man to define, refine or supply for us, it is God and has always been God. Today, we will realize this.

We have always been a people of free will but God has always set boundaries in place so that we understand what is and is not righteous in His eyes. This doesn't mean that we can't do what we please, we absolutely can. It means that we don't get a co-signer for unrighteousness. ORDER is being re-established. We will have no other choice but to recognize God as the Source of all things.

What is it that we need to do? Glad you asked! Here are 3 simple things:

1. Connect or reconnect with God
 Learn who He is and what he means to your life.
2. Pray for His direction and His guidance.
Seek Him concerning the steps that you are to take.
3. Use the Gifts/Talents that He placed in you to live the life He has called you to.
Tap into the inner resources that he has given you. 

What God will do is be God! Provision, Protection, and Preservation is by His Power alone.

He got this...and through Him, We got this too!

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